
Scale Your Business, Reclaim Your Time:
How I Help 6 & 7-Figure Entrepreneurs Thrive

Scale Your Business, Reclaim Your Time:
How I Help 6 & 7-Figure Entrepreneurs Thrive

Feeling the overwhelm of running a successful business? 



You’re not alone.  Many ambitious entrepreneurs struggle with burnout and anxiety, sacrificing their personal lives for the sake of growth. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way!

I’m Alejandra Marqués, a Productivity & Business Strategist, International Speaker, and Best-Selling Author

I empower 6 & 7-figure business owners like you to achieve remarkable results without sacrificing your well-being.

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Alejandra Marqués as seen in

Nice to meet you!

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Believe me when I say you're not only capable of leveraging your time, and achieving so much more than EVER before, but you can also THRIVE both in your personal and professional life!

Some of the things I can help you with:

Eliminate overwhelm and anxiety: Learn to manage your workload effectively and conquer the fear of your business crumbling without your constant presence.

Prevent burnout and achieve work-life balance: Create sustainable systems and strategies that fuel your productivity while allowing you to enjoy time for the things that truly matter.

Scale your business with ease without working more hours: Implement proven methods to streamline your processes, optimize your workflow, and achieve explosive growth without sacrificing your well-being.

Simplify your processes: Build a lean and optimized business that empowers you to achieve more with less.

My Unique Approach:

I leverage my 10+ years of experience in mastering productivity, efficiency and burnout preventing, and my unique proprietary framework:  The T.I.M.E. Protocol™ to help you achieve exceptional results. 

My strategies are proven to work, as evidenced by the success of hundreds of entrepreneurs I’ve helped worldwide.

But don’t take it just from me, take it from my clients:

“As a 7-figure CEO, I know how important time management is. Working with Alejandra enabled me to see that, actually as productive as I thought I was, there were some areas where I was actually procrastinating and didn’t even really understand what procrastination meant. And she helped me to gain time, I’m talking literally gained HOURS every week, and you cannot put a price on that.


Alejandra has a unique approach to time management that is unmatched. I recently participated in her program and it help me to discover so many new practices that have allowed me to excel as a business owner. You will be amazed by how her time management and productivity approaches will give you so much time back into your day!”

My Journey:

My passion for productivity stems from juggling multiple demanding roles –  studying 2 degrees at the same time (business management and law, and graduating top of my class in both) while simultaneously working at 2-3 part-time jobs in notaries, research centers as project manager and law firms. 

As it the higher-achiever in me believed that wasn’t enough, I then study for 2 masters at the same time while being a criminal law professor and starting my business. 

All while learning my 5th and 6th language.

This experience ignited my desire to empower others to achieve similar levels of accomplishment while maintaining a balanced life.

Just a Few of My Favorite Things

My passion goes beyond just business; it’s fueled by core values like honesty, family, fun, respect, empathy, and freedom. 

These values ignite my commitment to your success. I’m here to celebrate your victories, champion your efforts, and support you with my straight-talking, no-nonsense approach. 

Together, we’ll navigate your path towards a life overflowing with balance and joy. 

In fact, every single client has described their experience with me as safe, supportive, and completely judgment-free.

More Fun Facts:

Human Design
Human Design
I'm a 6/2 Manifesting Generator
I'm a 5:
"The Quiet Specialist"
Super Power
My SuperPower
I'm a Time Bender 😉
Proud of
I'm most proud of...
Always pursuing my passions, having big dreams, and always being grateful for what I have while never settling.
Favorite Time Of The Year
Even if I love Summer☀️...
I must say Christmas time!🎄
Chinese Zodiac
Chinese Zodiac
I'm a Dog 😍🐶
Fan of Marvel & Disney
Big fan of
Marvel & Disney Movies
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