Episode 20 – Summary of the interview – I am the love of my life, with Katherine Pérez

Welcome back to the Unstoppable Imparable Podcast, today’s guest episode was on fire!  I had the pleasure of interviewing Katherine Perez.

Katherine Pérez is a wellness and mindset coach, a author who encourages us to speak our truth out loud and recognize the greatness that human beings have to explore our potential and give the gift to the world of what we are and what we came to create in it. She has also created a life philosophy of enjoying what you do while finding what you love, because life is here and now.

Today’s topic is self-love and being your priority without feeling guilty.

Some of the topics we covered:

  • What does self-love mean? Why is this topic so important?
  • How you can prioritize yourself even when you have kids and someone else to take care of.
  • Book launch: I am the love of my life (El Amor De Mi Vida Soy Yo)
  • How self-love will make us unstoppable.

Connect with Katherine on Instagram

Get the book: El Amor De Mi Vida Soy Yo (Spanish Edition)   —-

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Instagram: @alejandramarques_yourplana/

LinkedIn: Alejandra Marques Mendez


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