Million Dollar Focus - Increase Your Productivity and Make more money with ease

This is the year you will finally break through the 6-figures barrier and start playing in the 7-figure realm, while working fewer hours (hello to 4 or even 3 day workweek) and having more quality time in your personal life!

And I know you’ve been doing all the things, but you’re NOT doing the RIGHT things that will get you to those 7-figures while working less than ever.

Want to know what will create the biggest difference at this point?

You must cut through the noise if you want to make multi 6 and 7 figures
(and no… I’m not talking about your online visibility strategy).

I’m talking about cutting what’s distracting you that’s costing you HOURS of your day, getting rid of what preventing you from achieving this next milestone.

I see you, I know you’ve reached great success in your biz and you’re making the kind of money you used to dream about, but the millionaire version of yourself requires you to step up once more, it requires you to be laser-focused …

… In fact, it requires you to master your Million Dollar Focus.

And if you're wondering what does that mean...

... get ready to master the Million Dollar Focus Method™:

Commanding your time like a true leader.

It’s time for you to command your time instead of having your time commanding you, and for you to never feel again that “you don’t have time”.

Focusing on the things that will actually bring in that kind of money $$$

Stop dividing your attention and focus on the income producing activities that will create the leap from 6 to 7 figures.

Operating from your full and best potential.

Your higher self is calling you and is requesting you to step into your millionaire version. Elevate your performance and unlock your full potential.

Gaining back at least 10 h/week of your precious time.

Say goodbye to time-stealers and reclaim your focus, ensuring every single hour you invest in your business is getting you closer to your goals.

Creating healthy boundaries around your precious time.

Establish unshakable boundaries around your precious and limited time, and create a more thriving personal and professional life.

Amplifying your productivity by at least 40%.

Elevate your drive and efficiency to new heights, leverage your time and create unmatched results and impact in your business.

And so much more!

About Your Host

Hi there! I’m Alejandra Marqués, Productivity & Business Strategist, Best Selling Author and International Speaker.

I empower 6 & 7 figures business owners to make more money while working less hours, scale without burning out, and create more time for the things that matter the most to them – with my proprietary framework: The T.I.M.E. Protocol ™

I’m honored to have clients all over the world and be able to share over 10 years of experience embodying and teaching work-life balance, time management, and achieving big goals with all of you.

Get ready because it’s time to unlock your fullest potential, paving the way for unparalleled success and time freedom!

As Seen In:

Alejandra Marqués as seen on Media

What my clients are saying:

“As a 7-figure CEO, I know how important time management is. Working with Alejandra enabled me to see that, actually as productive as I thought I was, there were some areas where I was actually procrastinating and didn’t even really understand what procrastination meant. And she helped me to gain time, I’m talking literally gained HOURS every week, and you cannot put a price on that.”

“Alejandra’s Method completely exposed all my distractions and empowered me to change my perception of the time I have”

“Alejandra helped me recognize my areas of weakness and develop plans for time management. Feel more confident in recognizing my time suckers and when I’m not following my schedule.”

“After working with Alejandra, I learned to eliminate doing things that no longer served me and prioritize the things that do. Working with her has allowed me to achieve more goals in the month of February 2022 (the shortest month) than I have achieved since I started my business in 2019.”

“By realizing my distractions, becoming more aware, and creating doable, sustainable boundaries, I began to create more time.”

 “Before working with Alejandra, I had no idea how much time I was spending on non-performing activities. When I listed them I realized that I was overwhelming myself with so much waste time when I could be spending time on constructive activities or self-care.”


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